Delivering Sustainable Impact through Innovative Solutions

Feature Project

Strengthening the Urban Perspective in ACP 

  • Date: Oct 2020 – March 2021
  • Client: European Union / NIRAS
  • Project Type: Research, Diagnosis

About this Project

This project aims to carry out a rapid diagnosis of six African countries for opportunities for funding in specific areas related to urban planning and development.  I sought to identify prospective areas (cities, regions) for sustainable urban development activities. Our role in this endeavor encompassed scoping, documentation, diagnostics, and coordination with national experts.

More specifically, our activities included:

1. Lead the definition of the scope of work to identify potential strategic areas of engagement and funding opportunities for each country.
2. Oversee and coordinate the preparation of 6 country scoping documents, 6 preliminary reports, and 6 diagnostic reports on urban mobility, e-governance, local public finance, urban planning, green infrastructure, climate change, PPPs, waste management, local economic development, private sector development, ecotourism, blue economy, migration, urban, development corridors and others.
3. Lead and coordinate the work of six high-level national urban experts.
4. Design methodology, research questions, data collection, processing and analysis, as well as a reporting template for each country.
5. Ensure coordination of activities and provide strategic guidance to ensure overall project coherence.
6. Coordinate with the local EU delegation in the countries
7. Act as the main interlocutor of DEVCO C5
8. Liaise with stakeholders on the design of activities.